Thursday, August 28, 2008

I'm Still Alive

I know some of you must have been wondering where I have been the last few days. Especially considering I have lately been very good about blogging on a daily basis. Well, I've been staying with Amber this past week and their internet is still down, blogging......

School is going good. Keeping me busy as usual. Today I had a meeting at Covenant about next week and the upcoming school year. I'm technically the senior teacher this year. Looks like a fun year to come. My mom will also be working at Covenant as the science teacher. So....we will see how that goes.

I'm looking and saving for a place to move. I guess with all the hard work I have been doing I have realized that it might be time for me being completely financially independent, but I need a car or reliable form of transportation before I can move. So step 1, finish paying bills and getting caught up, step 2, find and save for a car, step 3, find a new place to live. I have a plan. I know by now that plans don't always go as expected, but there's nothing wrong with a plan.

So far I haven't missed or been late to any of my classes. My goal for this semester is to miss no classes and make a 4.0 Maybe then my parents can muster some sort of attempt at being proud of me. And once and for all I can prove to them that I'm not a slacker, and that I do care about my future. Then again, they would just find a new area to criticize or leacture me on.

Yesterday I hurt myself. I was putting Amber's little dog Gizmo into her crate before we left, which sits beneath the kitchen bar. Well, as I stood up I hit the corner of the bar/counter on the top of my head. I hurt so bad. I got a little dizzy and an immediate headache. It swelled up and caused a bump on the top of my head. When we got into the car to leave it was still hurting really bad, so I felt of it again, and realized that I was bleeding. Now there is just a knot and a nice big scabbed over cut on the top of my head. Leave it up to me to forget my special helmet the one time I actually and truly need it.


Anonymous said...

lmao special helmet.

a plan is a good thing. you need to be on a budget, which will help greatly on the saving for car and place of your own front.

your parents have every reason to be proud of you, and if they can't see that then its their defect, not your's. if they saw what i see they would repent of their ignorant ways and actually be supportive of you.

Song of the South said...

Your parents are proud of you. I know you don't feel that way but they are very proud of you. Hang in there and keep working towards your goals. You WILL get there!
Love ya, Cammy