Sunday, March 15, 2009

6 Month Update

Wow.... I can't believe its been six months since my last post. You would think I would have more to talk about now, but not really. Let's see... Fall Semester ended...eventually. In December I went out to San Antonio for Christmas/New Year break. When I came back I decided that I needed a bit of a break from school. So, I'm taking this semester off.... at least from school. (thus, why I have more time and can start blogging again.) Still working at Covenant Academy teaching math to high school students, although most of the time it should be called babysitting/day care. I pretty much moved out of parents house due to continuous fighting and conflicting opinions/beliefs/morals/anything and everything that had to do with life. My brother moved backed home after failing his first semester of college (big surprise there) Really, I guess that about brings you up to speed.

As for today, or I guess yesterday....seeing as its almost 8 AM and I have yet to sleep.... I was able to spend the evening with some close friends. It was actually pretty funny.... we fought each other with plastic swords, which kept breaking. We attempted to band-aid them back together with electrical tape, which worked for a while, but we eventually were unable to salvage one and the fun stopped. We all have whelps and cuts and bruises, but we all had a hysterically enjoyable time beating each other..... well.....I suppose I should go get some sleep like a normal person.....not that I am ever normal.........I'll be back soon....hopefully.....