Monday, August 18, 2008


I survived yet another night a Waffle House. WOOHOO!! Well, last night I got a call from my manager asking me to work at Store 1442 (which is the busiest store in the district) instead of at our store (Store 801). So, I agree to work there, she also informs me that 1442's night shift had some personnel changes. (some got suspended, some fired, and some quit). So...801 has to help pick up the slack. So I worked with another server until 2 am, and then I had to cover the whole store by myself. Also, this store is bigger than ours, and is also non-smoking. Im so exhausted its ridiculous, but I survived!!

And, no, I did not slug the drunk guys. Honestly I was too shocked to much of anything. But, one of the cooks helped me out and became protective, so it all worked out!

School starts today!! I'm so excited!!


Tammy said...

I am truly impressed by all that you are able to handle. Way to go! I am so happy that you were able to get back to college and it is great that you are so excited about it. I wish you all the best!

Numquam Succumbe said...

Hey hey. I am very you are back in school. I know you are thrilled!
And that sucks about last night. Hey, you should look into getting a waitressing job somewhere else (especially now that you are back in school and need nights for sleeping). You can make more tips for a shorter shift other places - and not have to do dishes and shit. $80 is a lot of money, but not enough for the lengthy shifts you are working.
I miss you!!!

Song of the South said...

I am excited with you that you are back in school! WOOHOO!!!!!!!
I do agree with Marli,now that you have some waitressing experience maybe you should begin to look for a job that does not interfere with your sleepy time. Also, you really can make more tips in a shorter time at larger restaurants. I have been a waitress at several places and never done dishes at work.(I did was dishes in daycare:) ) and of course when I cleaned houses for a living. However, I was paid much better for it than waitress hourly wages. It sounds like you are very good at what you are doing and I am happy they recognize that. Oh well, thats my two cents worth and that is probably all it is worth. Again, I am proud of your acomplishments Go Nikki!!!!!!