Giant freshwater sting ray caught in Cambodia. I remember petting stingrays at Sea World when I was little. But none of them were this big. It was caught in a river. See, its things like this, gators found in alabama, pictures of snakes, and movies like Jaws that keep me in man made waters like swimming pools and water parks instead of lakes, ponds, rivers, creeks, and oceans.
Chicky Love
14 years ago
OMG!!! That is soo freaky!!
I completely understand your affinity for manmade water that you can see all the way to the bottom!!
I don't think that "cuddly" would be my word to describe it! LOL It certainly is awesome to look at though!
Hi Nikki!
I just discovered you had a blog by looking at Tammy Crowley's blog list. How are you doing? I miss seeing you more. I saw a picture of you on Marli's You Tube video and you looked gorgeous!!!!
It is late and I need to go to bed but I'll come back and check out your blog more later. What is your e-mail address? Mine is I send a blog update to your parents but I'd like to send one to you sometimes too. It is
Have a great week girl!!!
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